Matthew Springett is principal of MSA and has overall responsibility and design oversight on every project. He studied at St Martin’s School of Art and The Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow, before graduating from The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London in 1998, winning the RIBA Silver Medal and Bannister Fletcher Prize for that year. He worked with Chris Wilkinson Architects and for Sir Nicholas Grimshaw before establishing MSA in 2001. He is an accredited RIBA Client Adviser and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts.
The MSA office is a creative studio environment in which collaborative working is encouraged. The practice has a long-term R&D strategy which encourages input from all staff, many of whom started their relationship with the practice through Matthew's teaching role at The Bartlett, University College London.
“Matthew is effective as an active listener, ensuring that all concerned with the project have an active role in giving input; and has the skill to balance his input with governmental requirements and the principles of good design. (MSA) have demonstrated a professional understanding of our aims and a commitment to making a real difference in designing for the future of education. Their incisive commentary, dedication to the highest design principles and commitment to the Birmingham ideal have allowed us to progress our vision for transforming education.” - Silvia McNamara, Director of Transforming Education, Head of Birmingham BSF